Google's Machine Learning Crash Course - Introduction to ML


1 min read

Here is the summary of Video 1: Introduction to ML

At the end of the article, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the practical benefits of mastering machine learning
  • Understand the philosophy behind machine learning

Machine learning is a valuable tool that help software engineers make sense of their data. First, it gives you a tool to reduce the time you spend programming. Second, it will allow you to customize your products, making them better for specific groups of people. And third, machine learning lets you solve problems that you, as a programmer, have no idea how to do by hand.

As a human being, I have the ability to recognize my friends' faces and understand their speech, but I do all of this subconsciously so if you asked me to write down a program to do it, I'd be completely baffled. But these are tasks that machine learning algorithms do very well; I don't need to tell the algorithm what to do, I only need to show the algorithm lots of examples, and from that the task can be solved. In a nutshell, Machine learning changes the way you think about a problem.